Facebook vs MySpace: College vs the street

The BBC reports on research by Danah Boyd which found that Facebook users come from wealthier homes and are more likely to attend college while MySpace users tend not to have gone on to further education. While “class” in the US does not map directly to income it is more about social life and networks. Hence Facebook users tend to be white and education oriented while MySpace teenager tend to

Mobile TV to boom in 2009

Mobile handsets capable of displaying TV will hit 244 million by 2011, according to the Multimedia Research Group in the US. That’s double the number previously forecast for the uptake rate expected in 55 countries. Big leaps are expected in 2009 when 53 million broadcast TV enabled handsets are expected to ship. The bulk of the 80 mobile TV trials all over the world will become genuine services. Most will

Mobile TV set for boom in 2009

Mobile handsets capable of displaying TV will hit 244 million by 2011, according to the Multimedia Research Group in the US. That’s double the number previously forecast for the uptake rate expected in 55 countries. Big leaps are expected in 2009 when 53 million broadcast TV enabled handsets are expected to ship. The bulk of the 80 mobile TV trials all over the world will become genuine services. Most will

Real life brands behave the same in Second Life

Nic Mitham at the K Zero blog (a marketing and branding company) has posted a map of all the real-world brands he could find operating in the virtual world of Second Life. It’s a hard-wired map which would well do with uploading to Flickr so that people could start to tag it with their own knowledge. This needs a little crowd sourcing… Here is the link to the big version.

Marketers failing inside Second Life

Hamburg-based research firm Komjuniti has published the first extensive survey of Resident attitudes toward marketing in Second Life. MTV, Coke, Dell, American Apparel – they are all at it. The results [PDF] are that 72% of 200 respondents said they were disappointed with real world company activities in Second Life; just over 40% considered these efforts a one-off not likely to last. Only 7% of respondents in the Komjuniti study

IAB says it doesn’t push the ‘big’ publishers

Guy Phillpson of the Internet Advertising Bureau spoke at The Media Guardian's Changing Media Summit. He said the IAB doesn't push any one publisher when talking about online advertising. The IAB has large and smaller members, he said. "We're format agnostic about it. We talk more in terms of disciplines like rich media advertising, not about platforms." "If there's something [and advertising format] that's proprietorial then a publisher might get

Podcast: Digital music – how the fans and the bands are revolutionising the music business

The mbites.com podcast this week looked at how digital music is impacting both on music fans and the artists themselves. The guests (pictured) were Laura Lee Davies, former editor of Time Out magazine in London and a music journalist of 20 years experience, and Ben Drury, founder and managing director of 7digital.com, which provides digital downloading services to many leading brands and artists’ web sites. Download the MP3 file here

15% file share – 5% pay to download. Uh oh.

Some interesting new research from Jupiter: Jupiter thinks the European music industry is facing “a demographic time bomb”. In its report “European Music Consumer Survey, 2005” it says that European consumers who download music from illegal file sharing networks currently outnumber those downloading from legal services such as Apple’s iTunes Music Store by a factor of three to one. Some 15% file share while just 5% pay to download. Uh

“Owning music is so last century”

The San Francisco Chronicle (R.I.P. CDs) argues that there’s no reason to buy another compact disc ever again now that we have iPods, satellite and digital radio and the Net. MP3 blogs like The Hype Machine and Largehearted Boy offer daily links to free music available online.Online radio stations are “becoming a safe haven for anyone who just wants to hear some good music.” With subscription digital music services like