The San Francisco Chronicle (R.I.P. CDs) argues that there’s no reason to buy another compact disc ever again now that we have iPods, satellite and digital radio and the Net. MP3 blogs like The Hype Machine and Largehearted Boy offer daily links to free music available online.Online radio stations are “becoming a safe haven for anyone who just wants to hear some good music.” With subscription digital music services like Rhapsody and Napster, “Owning music is so last century.” Social networking sites like can showcase 55,000 unsigned bands (of varying quality of course). In the US, satellite radio like Sirius offers more variety than “even a 60-gig iPod and more unpredictability”. Of course, there#039s the iTunes Music Store and BitTorrent. Even Amazon is touting free music MP3s to entice people to buy new music.