Mobile screen-saver offers media platform

Celltick (the mobile content firm headquartered in London) is to help AIS Thailand (the largest mobile operator in Thailand) to expand its content discovery service, mLive! to reach 8 million subscribers by the end of the year. mLive! broadcasts streams of content teasers directly across the idle screen of user’s mobile phones like a screensaver, with subscribers offered “personalized content and promotions”. mLIVE! users see streams of free news headlines,

Can new media turn old?

AdAge reports that MySpace is considering the launch of a dead-tree magazine, in an attempt to extend the MySpace brand. A traditional magazine would certainly provide the comfort-zone that potential avertisers on MySpace are craving for – unlike the user-generated content that fuels the social networking website, the content in a traditional magazine can be highly controlled. Brands needn’t fear what they may be associated with. The editorial mix would

YelloWiki denies ‘passing off’ as Yell

YelloWikis may capitulate to Yell over their recent legal action due to lack of funds to fight a prolonged court battle. In an email interview with tbites, YelloWikis’ Paul Youlten said (words in bold are tbites’ emphasis): “We have to reply to their charges by next Monday and we are planning to deny the charges of “passing off” – though some solicitors seem to think that we will win quite

MySpace goes into orbit

HitWise has the drop on MySpace today: “ has surpassed Yahoo! Mail as the most visited domain on the Internet for US Internet users. To put MySpace’s growth in perspective, if we look back to July 2004 represented only .1% of all Internet visits. This time last year represented 1.9% of all Internet visits. With the week ending July 8, 2006 market share figure of 4.5% of all

Yell yells at YellowWikis

The world's biggest yellow pages publisher, Yell, has threatened to shut down Yellowikis, the wiki-based yellow pages directory, accusing it of of "misrepresentation", "passing off" and suggests that using the name Yellowikis could "constitute an 'instrument of fraud'. It's contacted Yellowikis co-founders Paul Youlten and Rosa Blaus (his 15 year-old daughter) demanding they shutter the website, transfer the domain names to Yell and agree to pay damages to Yell for

Guardian man thinks blogs are about ‘engagement’

Simon Waldman spoke at The Media Guardian’s Changing Media Summit: “People will place a lot more value on an engaged audience. This is a real value to media owners. Increasingly you’ll be judged by the level of engagement with your audience.” “That’s our challenge. We know how to publish a fixed/closed entity in print and online but this new world is now much more open and decentralised.”