Universal signs total deal for Elton’s copyrights

Over 250 copyrights are covered by the deal signed today by Universal Music Publishing Group for Elton John’s back catalogue. The worldwide agreements administer the post-1974 publishing interests of Elton John and his collaborator, Bernie Taupin. As UMPG already owns the copyrights of songs written up to 1974, these new agreements put the entire Elton John catalog under one roof.

RIAA email spells trouble for amateur online stations

Streaming radio service Live365 is being scrutinised by the Recording Artist Association of America (RIAA) which is interested in user-generated stations that do not properly comply with various DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) statutes. The RIAA says it will “reserve the right to shut them down or otherwise restrict access” and Live365 has emailed its users with exactly that warning. What this means, of course, is that the glittering new

Chinese music firm files 50 piracy lawsuits

It’s interesting that a Chinese company – a part of thew world normally notorious for copyright violation – is suing other chinese firms for just that. The Chinese-based music and video company, Guangdong Meika Music and Video, has filed 50 piracy lawsuits with the courts against companies it claims are producing and selling pirated versions of its goods. The company is demanding defendants stop violating its intellectual property rights and

iTunes “only” on 54 per cent

According to The Register an Xtn Data study suggests that iTunes, at 54%, has the biggest digital music market share in the UK, while Napster has 10%, Wippit 8%, MyCokeMusic 6%, MSN 5%, Virgin Digital 3%, Tesco 2%, Woolworths 2% and HMV Digital 1%. However, the figures are not based on sales or subscription figures, but on a poll of 1,000 consumers about awareness of the brands themselves. The study

DRM CDs are turning music away say retailers

Really? You don#039t say. Copy-protected CDs are turning music fans off record buying say retailers in the US. Thus retailers themselves are starting to consider throwing out DRM#039d CDs. Great news for fans – bad news for firms like Sony, who are still reeling from the Rootkit debacle. Today they are trying to exchange Rootkit CDs and provides free MP3 downloads. But the horse has long bolted on this scandal,

Fresh crackdown on illegal music filesharers – here we go again

Guess what? 50 individuals and companies who illegally uploaded music tracks from the web will be hit with legal action. For more news see: Fresh crackdown on illegal music filesharers – Ireland Online: addict3d.orgFresh crackdown on illegal music filesharers IRMA announces further crackdown on illegal downloads Irish file-swappers face more legal action New legal action planned for filesharers

Blanket license could help home copying

[Copyright conference coverage]: Alexander Ross Partner, Wiggin: Thanks to EU copyright directive there has to be a levy system. Fair compensation is all it allows for – which might be zero. If we introduced a private copy exemption into the Uk we’d have to create a levy system. Any private copy must take account for DRM, which is odd. One way of getting money back from iPods? Supporters say the