King of Shave preps Facebook app

King of Shaves, the shaving brand and e-commerce site, is planning to release a Facebook application in what could be the first ever brand marketing use of the social networking site in this manner. Word leaked out via Twitter and a screen shot has been posted to Flickr. So far brands in the UK (outside of media companies like Virgin and the BBC, see comment) have hung back form developing

King of Shave preps Facebook app

King of Shaves, the shaving brand and e-commerce site, is planning to release a Facebook application in what could be the first ever brand marketing use of the social networking site in this manner. Word leaked out via Twitter and a screen shot has been posted to Flickr. So far brands in the Uk have hung back form developing full-blown applications, preferring instead to use traditional advertising banners on the

MoblogUK rebrands, looks for funding

moblog:tech, the new name for UK moblogging pioneers MoblogUK, has entered a new phase and is now looking for an ‘equity for investment’ deal. The privately owned moblog:tech (MT) launched in 2003 and is now now one of Europe’s biggest moblogging community sites. In fact pictures from the London bombings appeared first on the site, showing at the time that the emerging phenomena of ‘citizen journalism’ and user generated

MoblogUK rebrands, looks for funding

moblog:tech, the new name for UK moblogging pioneers MoblogUK, has entered a new phase and is now looking for an ‘equity for investment’ deal. The privately owned moblog:tech (MT) launched in 2003 and is now now one of Europe’s biggest moblogging community sites. In fact pictures from the London bombings appeared first on the site, showing at the time that the emerging phenomena of ‘citizen journalism’ and user generated

Eight reasons why Facebook owns your ass

Thanks to the “Facebook Isn’t Private, and 7 Other Things You Should Know” post I have taken the main points about its Terms and Conditions and summarised below. It makes for gritty reading. 1. The terms can change at any time of Facebook’s choosing. 2. Facebook is legally for personal use only (only actual people can create profiles. And you’re not supposed to profit from it. A profile for a

Dvorak just doesn’t get it

John Dvorak is an old-fashioned tech jounralist in the US who thinks we’re going to have another dotcom bust: “Every single person working in the media today who experienced the dot-com bubble in 1999 to 2000 believes that we are going through the exact same process and can expect the exact same results—a bust…Today everything from YouTube to the local church has a social-networking angle. And this doesn’t even consider