Interview with Opal Sky manager
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Bob Lefsetz spoke to In The City about his view of where the music business is going. His quotes included: “It’s all about the Internet.” “There is no real Rock n’Roll vibe in the music business now. Now it’s all just ‘fucks with bucks’.” “Execuitves hate the artists because they can get layed and the executives can’t.” “The price of music has to come down. How come 5 year olds
“Punk was just about a person being who they are.” I’ve been called a skin-head, an anarchist etc. But I’m happy being a punk rocker.” “England is a school of thought.” “Music is not about talent.” “The worst thing I’ve ever seen in the UK is a T-Shirt saying FCUK. It would be better to get a t-shirt and scribble FUCK on it. You’ll have a more interesting life than