SMS 2002: Afternoon session Day 2

Afternoon session. Patrick Naughton, Telecom One. Primarily a telecoms carrier. TXTV Probs with T-Mobile as can’t do interoperable numbers TX1 channel is new 5-10,000 downloads in first month. Nikki Causer, Head of Pop Marketing, emap Performance Smash Hits: TV, Web, Radio, SMS, Radio, you name it. 70% of Smach Hits readres have a mobile phone. Decided wanted to: Communicate with audience in their own launguage. Build a smash hits

SMS 2002: Second Morning Session Day 2

Second Morning Session This is Anne’s (12snap) third SMS Conference. Hmmn, pretty hard worker,. No longer and emrging medium, it’s one everyone is using. Premium rate SMS Self Liquidating instant win promotion Omnipresent. 1.5 bn SMS sent in UK a month. We know this. Consumers are getting smarter and response rates will drop if you don’t keep your campaign your Vodafone had problems for running ads which were too naughty.

SMS 2002: Day two, morning session

I’ll edit this later, but for now here’s the raw version of the morning presentations. Stuart Malcolm from Yakara kicked off the morning session. 24 billion messages sent a month. Appeal is universal but only works one to one. Unfortunately there is no reply to all facility. Community in the e-space consists of forums, chat, flirt, gams, voting, IM, sharing, greetings, dating, SMS,. These all vary in terms of how