An open letter to Mike Arrington

PLEASE NOTE: Before you read the below post, here is the context: It was written after a very difficult few days following the collapse of the TechCrunch UK franchise in December 2006 due to the falling out of franchisee Sam Sethi, who I was working with, and TechCrunch owner Mike Arrington. It was also a time when my wife was ill in hospital. The wider context is this: I started

Alistair Campbell is a blogger?!

Labours former Chief Spinmiester is blogging about the World cup on Labour’s web site. Now I’ve seen everything. But get a load of these horrendours URLs: ttnews[tt_news]=171&tx_ttnews[year]=2006&tx_ttnews [month]=06&tx_ttnews[day]=08&cHash=64db4ea2b0 Call that a permalink? Not very Web 2.0 Alistair…

Raw notes from WeMedia Global Forum – Dreyfus

Richard Dreyfuss, Actor and Activist, spoke on “Media and Civic Discourse” Dreyfus efectively criticised the MSM (mainstream media) for reacting too quickly to events without any thought or substance. “We transmit chapter headings but no chapter. We do not rewards. Broadcast gives only visual no text. There is no details. Our relationship with the Islamic world, our ability to be self righteous are all transmitted by image. We cannot overlook

Mashup 2.0

Mashup 2.0! Get it? Actually this blog post was created live tonight (hence typos etc) at the second London Mashup event which was all about “‘Personal Publishing, beyond blogging”. First speaker As the main organiser Simon Grice gets to talk at the event but also happens to have founded He talked about “Personal Publishing” ( he used Dick Hardt‘s style of presenting which is basically to flash words and

Mashup 2.0

Mashup 2.0! Get it? Actually this blog post was created live tonight (hence typos etc) at the second London Mashup event which was all about “‘Personal Publishing, beyond blogging”. First speaker As the main organiser Simon Grice gets to talk at the event but also happens to have founded He talked about “Personal Publishing” ( he used Dick Hardt‘s style of presenting which is basically to flash words and

mbites Podcast – Corporate Blogging – PR guff or PR savvy?

The podcast this week looked at the relatively new phenomenon (at least in the UK) of corporate blogging: blogs run by firms and organisations both as a communications exercise and as a kind of customer relationship thing. We also touched on blogging ‘as publishing’. The guests (pictured above) were Tim Houghton, managing director of New Media Intelligence, and Dana Gornitzki, editorial consultant, journalist and contributor to the The Globe