I hope to get time (today’s hospital visits allowing) to post more fully about this whole TechCrunch UK & Ireland debacle. However, in the mean time, one thing is clear: I have been locked out of the TechCrunch web site’s backend WordPress system.
Update: I hadn’t planned on making this public but I feel I need to explain my slow response to the above issue. My wife was diagnosed with cancer, has had an operation and is now undergoing a course of chemotherapy for the next few months. Luckily we are reaching a stage where it will have only limited impact on life once a month, but the next week or so involves a few regular visits. Internet access is tough from hospitals obviously (the cafe here has one, bad, terminal) so I will either wait to post something more fully or see my Twitter page (see column on the left) at twitter.com/mbites for a faster response. If you want to contct me see mbites.com/contact or my previous post.