Smartphones now organiser of choice

For once the Orangery in London’s Holland Park was empty of the latest conceptual painter’s work or a display of modernist sculpture. On a tropical Thursday last week, as the heavens opened after a day of 25 degree heat, London’s champagne-sipping brigade of trendsetters gathered for the launch not of a new album by some up-and-coming band, but of a mobile phone. In a savvy piece of marketing, Nokia had

Music to the ears

Technology-rich mobile phones are paving the way for the sharing of files, Napster-style. But the music industry will fight to protect its revenue. Mike Butcher reports Thursday June 10, 2004 The Guardian In the movie Dirty Harry, Clint Eastwood’s character asks the criminal he has cornered, while brandishing “the most powerful handgun in the world”, whether he feels lucky. The music industry can sympathise. The technology industry is brandishing its