Gawker, the new ‘blog publishing’ venture has launched. Looks pretty good. Nice writing style. Quick and dirty. There’s a write-up over at Marketingfix (see link below).

But I checked out the bottom of the page where I found a link to Sitemeter. This reveals that on the day of its launch Gawker got a total of 6,304 (Wednesday), the average visit lasting just over a minute and a half, while those people viewed 11,023 pages in total (about 2 pages per visitor). This actually doesn’t matter much since nearly all of the content is on one page, as per the weblog stylee. In fact Weblogs generally adhere to the old Internet saying that it’s not about page impressions, it’s about users and audience.

On these numbers Sitemeter predicts that in a month Gawker will get around 166,000 visitors and over 287,000 page impressions a day, which is not bad going for a site edited by one person. That would equate to over eight million impressions a month. If those figures come true then Nick Denton and his crew are definitely on to something.