Restoring people’s community spirit

It sounds like a fantasy from a Philip K Dick novel – ‘Minority Report’ or the ‘Total Recall’ of the future. But it’s not. It’s actually starting to become a reality. Virtual communities have long been ticking over since the days of The Well, Tripod and Geocities. But this year they look like becoming a fuel-injected business as new technologies arrive to turn them into entirely new propositions. One of

Magazine’s short, absurd life typified Net boom

As the dotcom bubble recedes into the past, the historical analysis of the period goes on. The latest addition to the canon is a book by one of the “players” of the time and one of its keenest observers. Starving to Death on $200 million: The short, absurd life of The Industry Standard by James Ledbetter, tells the story of the internet era’s quintessential magazine. Like many of the internet